8th July 2020
I write further to our discussion on Saturday 4th July 2020, regarding your working on a part-time basis in accordance with the adjustments made to the Government’s Job Retention Scheme.
As you know, you were designated as a furloughed worker and agreed to cease all work for the company on 18th March 2020 as confirmed in our letter to you of 3rd April 2020. This letter also confirmed your agreement to receiving 80% wage during the period of furlough.
Adjustments to the scheme from 1 July 2020 allow for a previously furloughed worker to work part-time hours whilst still being considered as furloughed for the remainder of their normal working hours. This is called ‘flexible furlough’. We would now like to provide you with part-time hours under the flexible furlough arrangement.
During our discussion, you agreed to work the following part-time hours with effect from 13th July 2020.
During our discussion, you agreed to work part-time hours with effect from 13th July 2020. We agreed that we would notify you of the hours you would be required to work on a week-by-week basis via RotaCloud a three rota will be posted today.
You will be recorded as being on furlough for the remainder of your normal working hours.
You will receive full pay for the hours that you work. You agreed that, for the hours that you are on furlough, you will receive 80% of your wages to a maximum cap of £2,500 per month pro-rated down to reflect the hours for which you are actually furloughed.
For example, if your part-time hours are 4 days per week instead of your normal 5 days, you will receive full pay for 4 days per week. For the remaining “furloughed” hours (1 day or 20% of your normal hours), you will receive 80% of your wages to a maximum of £500 per month (20% of £2,500).
You are therefore required to return to work on 13th July 2020 for training, at 9.30am and you should report to the Party Room in Billy’s Farm Barn. We anticipate that this arrangement will last for until the business can return to normal or until furlough comes to an end in October. However, we will keep this under continuous review and in the event that the position changes, you will be notified. At the present time I do not know when this will be, but I can assure you that the Amerton Farm Ltd will continue to monitor the evolving situation very carefully.
We are doing everything we possibly can to ensure we are able to survive the challenges we are facing. We appreciate that this is a difficult period for everyone and I would like to thank you for your continued loyalty to the business.
I would like to remind you that you have access to a confidential telephone counselling service if you would like to talk to a trained counsellor about any worries that you may be having about the impact of coronavirus, whether work related or not. You can access this by phoning
If you have any queries about the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Eunice Finney ARAgS
Managing Director
Amerton Farm Ltd
I read and understand the letter regarding flexible furlough and I also understand I will be returning to work using this government sponsored scheme. Please return by email before 13th July to office@amertonfarm.co.uk.
Sign: Date:
Typed signature