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Today is the day, yes we are opening...... Good luck to everyone and a very big thank you, to everyone who has helped prepare for this BIG DAY today after 5 long months. If you are not at work today we will see you soon as part of our second team. Good luck also to all our tenants, some of you have been open for a few days now and other essential services have never closed. Onwards and upwards we hope......from here on. Eunice

STAFF AND TENANTS UPDATE Text 14th July 2020 2020-07-14T20:40:51+01:00

STAFF AND TENANTS UPDATE Email Press Release 13th July 2020


You have received an emailed with a copy of a Press Release issued today. Eunice P R E S S R E L E A S E FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM AMERTON FARM Amerton Farm are back in the business of providing fun in the countryside with a great day out for everyone at Amerton Farm !! Doors open again on Tuesday 14th July 2020 at 9.30 am and we look forward to welcoming all our customers back to the farm. Online booking is essential so go to to check out what we have planned down on the farm for

STAFF AND TENANTS UPDATE Email Press Release 13th July 2020 2020-07-13T22:19:29+01:00

STAFF UPDATE Text 12th July 2020


Could all staff please make sure you bring a pen and something hard to write on tomorrow, as it's proving very difficult to get tables and social distancing for everyone to ensure we  accommodate all staff in one room. Thanks in advance Eunice

STAFF UPDATE Text 12th July 2020 2020-07-13T22:18:29+01:00

STAFF UPDATE Text 12th July 2020


Just a quick reminder that staff training starts at 9.30am prompt tomorrow and it will be held in Billy's Farm Barn. Training will conclude at 12 noon. You will not be required to come in uniform. If you are prepared to stay and help get ready for Tuesday come in something suitable to work in after training. If you are not well or have any symptoms of Covid 19, please ring or text this duty managers phone to let us know as soon as possible. Looking forward, to seeing everyone tomorrow, it will be good to be back to work.

STAFF UPDATE Text 12th July 2020 2020-07-13T22:18:05+01:00

STAFF UPDATE Email Re-opening Strategy 9th July 2020


Amerton Farm Ltd   Re-opening Strategy for Amerton Farm following Covid 19 which will be on 14th July 2020   The following strategy plan has been prepared by the directors of Amerton Farm Ltd to re-open Amerton Farm following the forced closure due to Covid 19. The farm closed to customers on Wednesday 18th March 2020, although some tenants continued to trade after 18th for a short time. The only operations continuing to trade throughout this time has been the Food Hall with the farm shop and fish mongers. Of course the farm and animals have been cared for as

STAFF UPDATE Email Re-opening Strategy 9th July 2020 2020-07-13T22:17:42+01:00

STAFF UPDATE Email to all staff re. Flexible Furlough 9th July


8th July 2020   CIRCULATED TO ALL STAFF EMPLOYED BY AMERTON FARM LTD   I write further to our discussion on Saturday 4th July 2020, regarding your working on a part-time basis in accordance with the adjustments made to the Government’s Job Retention Scheme. As you know, you were designated as a furloughed worker and agreed to cease all work for the company on 18th March 2020 as confirmed in our letter to you of 3rd April 2020. This letter also confirmed your agreement to receiving 80% wage during the period of furlough. Adjustments to the scheme from 1 July

STAFF UPDATE Email to all staff re. Flexible Furlough 9th July 2020-07-13T22:16:37+01:00

STAFF UPDATE Text 9th July 2020


Today you will receive your rota on RotaCloud for one week only, which could be subject to change after the training day. A flexible furlough email, to sign and return has been sent. Later today you will also receive the Re-opening Strategy which will explain the rota system in full. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 13th July 2020 at 9.30am for training which will be in the party room in Billy's Farm Barn. Eunice.

STAFF UPDATE Text 9th July 2020 2020-07-13T22:15:48+01:00

STAFF UPDATE Text 28th June 2020


You have just received the text about the re-opening on Tuesday 14th July 2020. Please note that all staff are expected to attend work all day on Monday 13th July for staff training at 9.30am. You will receive an email in the next week regard returning to work. Eunice.

STAFF UPDATE Text 28th June 2020 2020-07-13T22:14:34+01:00



The directors of Amerton Farm Ltd have decided we will be re-opening the farm on Tuesday 14th July with full use of all the toilets. Billy's will not open due to the government restrictions. A Facebook post will be released today saying "Exciting News Coming Soon"  followed by a short farm video early next week making the full announcement. We will open 7 days a week 9.30am to 5pm as school holidays will commence on 20th July. Unfortunately, it is likely we will have to limit numbers when we first open. Eunice

STAFF AND TENANTS UPDATE Text 28th June 2020 2020-07-13T22:14:04+01:00