Play, explore, discover!
Please don’t visit if you are self-isolating or if you or anyone you’ve been in contact with are displaying symptoms of Covid-19.
We’ll look forward to seeing you very soon, but if you feel unwell please stay at home and stay safe.

Customers Information:
Things have changed for us all, in these very unprecedented times, so we are going to explain to you how we have re-opened at Amerton Farm, with the “New Normal” going forward. We hope the information below will help you to plan your visit to Amerton Farm. The directors of Amerton Farm Ltd wish to ensure the safety and security of all our customers and staff going forward for the future.
How to book tickets
You can book an all-day admission ticket(s) online, in order to guarantee your visit to Amerton Farm. As we are still operating with a slightly reduced visitor capacity, we cannot always guarantee entry if you choose to purchase tickets on the door.
Amerton Farm Ltd regrets that our cancellation policy does not permit the cancellation of ticket(s), this includes requests to exchanges or refund any ticket(s) . Your statutory rights are not affected. See Amerton Farm Ltd terms and conditions for further details.
You can enter the farm with your all-day ticket at any time between 9.30 am and 4pm
All customers will be given a coloured wrist band on arrival, the all-day ticket will allow customers to enter, exit and re-enter the Farm and Billy’s Farm Barn, at any time during the day. Customers who have an all-day ticket for the farm, may choose to exit the farm during the day to visit one of our 20 independent businesses offering a plethora of different experiences and services, enjoy a meal in the tea room, shop in our retail outlets or pick up your tea from the farm shop before you go home.
Tickets Exchange and Cancellation Request
Amerton Farm Ltd has a clear cancellation policy not permitting the cancellation, exchange or refund of tickets. However, due to Covid 19 issues, we have decided to assist our customers by temporarily suspending this policy. Ticket Exchanges are subject to a £5 administrative fee. You must contact us by 5pm on the date that is on your current ticket(s). Please give Amerton Farm Ltd 48 hours’ notice to reissue your new ticket. Any exchanged ticket(s) must be used within 3 months of the original booking date.
Please go to Ticket Exchange and Cancellation Request for further details.
We do prefer card payments when purchasing tickets on the door, alternatively book online. If this request is a problem for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing or call 01889 270294 and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs. Please note a £1.50 booking fee will be added to all online transaction, to cover the ticket providers merchant fee.
Vouchers or Pre booked ticket prior to closures
If you have any vouchers or pre-booked tickets purchase prior Covid 19, please contact or call 01889 270294
The entrance into the Billy’s Farm and Billy’s Farm Barn is now via the Ice Cream Parlour, which is situated off the main courtyard.
Under Two’s
If your 2 year old looks older than their age, please do not be offended if our staff, ask for proof of age. Please bring photo proof of your child’s Date of Birth, (their birth certificate, passport or red medical book) which will then, enables us to clarify the situation immediately. Also we are happy to receive proof of age stored as a scanned document on your mobile phone.
Carers will receive free admission to Billy’s Farm and Billy’s Farm Barn, when accompanying other paying guests. If carers are not booking online with paying guests a £1.50 booking fee is applicable, to cover the merchant’s fee. Please be aware that you will need to bring proof of being a carer which will be requested on entry: DLA/PIP award letter, Carer’s Allowance/Credit award letter. Amerton Farm Ltd are happy to see the proof as a scan/photograph on a mobile phone.Please note that this applied to standard entry only, special events may require a payment, such as those involving allocated or reserved seating or groups.
What is on offer at Amerton Farm
We welcome customers 7 days a week, opening every day of the year, except Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year’s Day and admission is by an all-day ticket and you can arrive at the farm, at any time between 9:30am and 4:00pm.
- All the animals on the farm can be found in the animal barn or the paddocks. Look out for our Cows, sheep, pigs, goats, horses, donkeys, alpacas, reindeer, rabbits, guinea pigs, peacocks, hens, ducks and geese
- Animals can be fed and petted during your visit.
- Animal food can be purchased on the entrance and costs £1 per bag.
- Air Bouncers provide fun for all the family. Unfortunately if it rains the Air Bouncers may have to close, due to H&S issues.
- The Sandpit can be enjoyed during your visit and you may wish to bring your own buckets and spades
- Our old Fergie Tractor is available for children to have a drive and get their photo taken for social media
- Tractor and trailer rides are free and available between 9.30 am to 11am and 2pm until 3.30pm every day. Please note the track will be closed to walking customers when the tractor and trailer is operating.
- An outdoor walk which is approximately half a mile, around the tractor track will be available with an interactive family quiz to complete. Customers may walk on the track between 11.00am until 1.30pm and 3.30pm until 4.00 pm. Please note the tractor and trailer rides will not operate when walking customer are on the track.
- Tractor Go Carts can be used on our special track, providing fun for all the family.
- Indoor Play in Billy’s Farm Barn is available if you purchase an Standard Indoor and Outdoor Ticket. If your child loves climbing and exploring then Billy’s Farm Barn is the place for them. Our bespoke wooden play area, themed on the local village of Stowe by Chartley is great for any child who is a little adventurer.
- Discover our special indoor toddlers play area.
- During school holiday special events and activities are arranged, check out all the details on Facebook or our website.
Food Outlets
Food can be purchased in Billy’s Farm Barn and the Tearoom at Amerton Farm. Also takeaway food items can be purchased from the Ice Cream Parlour and Farm Shop
Outside Picnic areas
There is a limited area for picnics, which are only permitted in the main courtyard. Please put any litter in the bins or take it home with you. Sorry picnics are not allowed on the farm. However you can purchase takeaway coffee, tea and soft drinks from the Ice Cream Parlour or the Tearoom.
Dogs are not allowed in Billy’s Farm or Billy’s Farm Barn, animal paddocks, fields or the food/retail areas. Amerton Farm dog policy
Let’s Stay Safe Together
As with our staff, we ask all customers to uphold the highest possible hygiene standards. Please remember we’re all doing our best to adapt to the “New Normal”. If we all do our bit, we’re hoping that things will get back to normal as soon as possible. As a business we are doing all we can to remain open in a safe and secure manner for both our customers and staff.
Amerton Farm Ltd continues to be observed the following Safety Measures:
- We still have PPE screens in the Ice Cream Parlour entrance and these screens remain to ensure a safe distance for everyone’s protection.
- Cleaning regimes are still observed and have been increased with a focus on ‘touch points’.
- The toilet facilities will be cleaned according to use and demand.
- Toilets and hand washing facilities will be open inside Billy’s Farm Barn, entered via the side door from the farmyard.
- Hand washing facilities are also situated at the end of the Farm Barn.
- Always wash your hands after feeding and petting animals.
- Regular hand washing for 20 seconds with warm water and soap remains the most effective way to reduce the spread of infection.
- Sanitising stations are situated on site.
- Tables are available to eat food purchased on site. Please do not move tables they have been set out to encourage customers to continue observe social distancing, when there are a large number of visitors on site.
- Signage and social distancing measures will still be encouraged as required.
- As a business we reserve the right to carry out non-invasive infrared temperature check and any guest, displaying a high temperature associated with a fever will not be permitted on site. Any temperature of 38C or above will be deemed too high and the entire group/household will not be permitted on site.
- One-way systems will continue in certain areas.
- Both Staff and customers may choose to wear masks
- We ask all customers to respect and consider other customers by keeping a reasonable distance when in confined spaces. .
- We still have clear markers and signs within area where queues may occur, to allow for social distancing, including the entrance, our toilets and food outlets.
- Please park sensibly, with sufficient space between cars and respect the space of other visitors.
- Carry tissues, cough or sneeze into them, before safely disposing of tissues in a bin, then wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your face or eyes and touching surfaces unnecessarily.
- All staff have attended full safety training for themselves and customers prior to reopening.
- Staff are all working to risk assessment and daily audit measures
- All staff carry personal radios, so if you need help whilst on site, please ask a member of staff to alert the Duty Manager.
We are open every day
(Except Christmas Day, Boxing Day
& New Years Day).
9:30am till 4:30pm
Last Admission is 4:00pm
and the farm closes at 4:30pm